
A favicon is a tiny square icon representing your website. It usually appears next to the website’s title in the browser tab. A favicon also shows up in your browser’s history, bookmarks, and any location where your website needs a visual identity.

Adding a WordPress Favicon via WordPress Customizer

  1. Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize
  2. Inside the Customizer, click on the Site Identity section at the top.

  3. In the Site Identity section, you’ll see an option at the bottom called, "Site Icon."
  4. Upload your favicon that has been prepared.
  5. Click Publish button to save the change.
  6. Create your favicon image

    WordPress recommends a square image that is 512px x 512px. If you know how to use a graphics editor like GIMP, Photoshop, or Sketch, you can create this image yourself.

    If you’re not sure how to create the image on your own, then check out favicon.io. It’s a free site that will allow you to quickly create a custom favicon image.