Theme Manual Updates

If you have made any changes to theme files (e.g. header.php, footer.php, style.css ), updating the theme will overwrite your modified files and you will loose any customizations. For safe updates please enable the Child theme and do any customizations there.

Updating via FTP

Step 1: Obtain the latest theme version from the ThemeForest website
First, you should log into your ThemeForest account and navigate to your Downloads page. Find our theme and click on the Download button next to it. Choose the Installable WordPress file only.

Step 2: Extract the downloaded zip file
After you’ve downloaded the theme installation file, which is in zip format, you should unpack (unzip) the file by using a program like 7-Zip, WinZip, WinRar or similar.

Step 3: Get an FTP client
In order to access the files on your server, you need to have an FTP Client. There are plenty of choices when it comes to this, however, we recommend using the FileZile as it has proven itself simple and reliable, even when used by beginners.

Step 4: Access the server files
Log into your server via FTP. You’ll see the list of wp-admin, wp-content, wp-includes folders and files.
Access the wp-content/themes/ folder and rename the existing "bizix" folder to e.g. "bizix-old" and save changes.
You can firstly unzip the new "" archive on your computer and then simply drag-n-drop the "bizix" folder to wp-content/themes/ folder.

Updating via WordPress Admin

  1. Navigate to Dashboard > Appearance > Themes.
  2. Activate one of the Default Themes that WordPress brings.
  3. Hover on bizix theme thumbnail and click on Theme Details.
  4. Click the Delete link in the bottom right.
  5. Now click the Add New button and upload the new theme version.
  6. Click on Activate link.